Monday, May 11, 2009

Online Marketing: SEO to the Max

The Best way to Increase your sites page rank!
If you are new to the blogging world and you don't know anything about SEO blogging, after you've set up your web page, the best chance you have of increasing your page rank is through... COPYING what established sites do!  
Here's what you should do to increase your page rank:

1. After you've chosen which keywords to use to optimize you site with, search google using those keywords.
2. Take note of the web sites that come out on the first page of google.
3. Monitor these sites and copy what they do!

By copying, I mean posting similar articles to what they are posting, using the same keywords as they do, using the same site layouts, looking for sites that link to them and requesting them to link to your site as well, etc.  Be a copycat, the best way you know how to, and for sure in no time you would be attracting readers to your site and increasing your site's page rank.

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